Bone Grafting For Dental Implants: What It Is And How You Can Take Care Of Your Graft

Posted on: 12 January 2015

For individuals missing teeth, dental implants are the best option for maintaining the function and appearance of natural teeth. Some of these individuals require bone augmentation in their jaw before dental implants can be expected to succeed. Bone augmentation, also called bone grafting, is a common procedure that is performed by oral surgeons or specialists in restorative dentistry. However, patients should understand that bone grafts require extra care after the procedure is performed, and the failure or success of a graft can be dependent upon their diligence. [Read More]

Reduce The Risk Of Dental Implant Infection With These Easy Tips

Posted on: 7 January 2015

If your prosthodontist, someone like Jacqueline Subka DDS APC, has recently advised you that you are a good candidate for dental implants, you have much to look forward to. A brighter, more even smile can restore your confidence and help you to feel good about yourself, helping you to feel like you can go out and conquer the world. In the first few weeks after your procedure, preventing infection is vital to achieving the best result. [Read More]

Dental Implants Vs. Dentures |Implants Win!

Posted on: 30 December 2014

If you are suffering from tooth loss or severe tooth decay, you are probably considering some type of false teeth. To replace an entire row of teeth, the most common choices are either dentures or dental implants. While dentures are a popular option, implants have many benefits that no other option can offer you. To help with your decision, here is a breakdown of dental implants versus dentures. Cost First and foremost, you can only buy what you can afford. [Read More]

Unsightly Gaps: When A Knocked-Out Tooth Cannot Be Replaced

Posted on: 29 December 2014

Many children and teens knock out adult teeth while playing or participating in sports. If the tooth is found and preserved in milk or tooth-rescue solution and dental care is sought immediately, the tooth can often be replaced in the jaw. However, there are situations in which the tooth cannot be saved. Sometimes the tooth is lost in a field, becomes too dirty to re-insert, or is too cracked and damaged to save. [Read More]